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Bearded and Back

Updated: Mar 29, 2024

In the words of Dr. Seuss, “How did it get so late so soon?”

TravelPimp has been on a break from blogging. I know, that was a bit Captain Obvious, but you’ve got to start at the beginning.

At first my break was deliberate – to spend more time with my daughter (aka my partner-in-crime) before she headed off to college. But this inevitably slid into trying to prove wrong Bill Watterson’s assertion that “there's never enough time to do all the nothing you want,” then the COVID-19 pandemic forced me (and a large part of the world) to do nothing as a full-time job. Unfortunately, the pay is commensurate with the work.

It’s been a year since my last blog post and I am beginning to regret my extended holiday, and for not being more diligent at heeding the requests of my loyal readers to put pen to paper, so to speak. So…here we are. (Insert awkward silence with the two of us staring at each other.) :p

Stay tuned for riveting details of television and cinematic programming, books I have read and unusual things I’ve eaten out of a can in the last few weeks. LOL. Okay, maybe there’s some travel blogging too, uh, blog…and a few of those other things.

As a final note: please safeguard yourselves and your families during these difficult times.

We’re all in this together. Stay safe.

Bearded and Back
Sunset over Guam

(Photo, such as it is, was taken by me. All copyrights reserved.)

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